Monday, April 13, 2009

Long Day's Journey Into Cruise

Safe and excited to be aboard the awesome Infinity and in our stunningly luxuriant penthouse suite! (Maybe not quite as excited as Capt. Phillips off the African coast, eh?) A quick log entry to remember our long embarkation day. We rose at 0330 Easter Sunday and, by the eastern time zone, did not lay our heads on our pillows until 2400.

When my dad picked us up for the ride to BWI at 4 AM, he said that just 50 years (and a few months) before, he had driven my mom at that same hour to the San Diego hospital to deliver me and now he was delivering me a half-century later for the trip back to San Diego. We had excellent flights - first to Chicago and then to San Diego. On the latter flight, I sat next to a darling young woman (with red hair) reading 1776. She graduated the Merchant Marine Academy last year and is third-mate hauling LNG to Brazil from Trinidad and Tobago. She was on the way for a two-week Naval Reserve stint in San Diego. She was so cute and self-effacing; it is amazing the people in this world.

At San Diego, guess who was at the luggage carousel - Claudia and Aaron! (Bennett's sister and husband.) Wasn't that the treat of treats? I even got to see his scar (yes!!). The only bad part of the day was that we had such an abbreviated visit with them before Celebrity hustled us out. But so wonderful to see them both looking sweet and healthy and just the same. I am so happy they made the drive.

San Diego IS beautiful. From landing at the airport, to driving by City/County Hall, past the Navy ships, and into the Port. We got on board smoothly.

The Infinity is incredible and our suite is as wonderful as can be. I am sure my Navy readers would be unused to so much closet space, shelf space, counter space, a desk for the computer, a cosmetics table in the bedroom (just like the old movies), and a huge terrace. It was fun to watch the Navy ships as we pulled out of harbor. You can imagine Bennett was in seventh heaven with his binoculars.

We toured the Spa and Gym and signed up for all sorts of stuff. We had supper in the fancy dining room. We unpacked. We got our sealegs. We crashed.

I miss my baby girls - you know to whom I refer, Mal and Nat. ;-) Our first Easter in 21 years with no egg hunt. But I hope the bunny did stop by with baskets as he was instructed . . . and we will be back before you know it.

The computer is slow and we have to find out how to get our photos into it. I can show you the San Diego Airport reunion when the camera gets plugged in. But I wanted to get our first day recorded at least through words.

I do believe this will be une bon voyage!


  1. Sheila, Checked in now just in case you had made your first entry. It was great to read about your first day and what fun that C&A were there to say Bon Voyage. I think the girls missed you yesterday but we did have a nice time at Devon's with Meghan's baby the center of attention. Aunt Marthe, Julie, and Mark AND Julie's dog were there too. Darwin was well behaved for which I think Julie was very thankful. I am sooooooooo glad you started your blog before your cruise.
    Love, Mother

  2. So, so, what did ya eat?? :) Also, forget lovely photos of the port and reunion, I wanna see this stateroom!! And will there be opportunities to get off the cruise and cruise...where and what?? OOOOOOOOOhhhh, this is AWESOME!! Love, Glynne

  3. It sounds very spacious and luxurious! I would love all that space to live in full time. I am sure it is bigger than our apartment. San Diego is lovely and a lovely city to have been born in.
    Love and enjoy! You two deserve this!

  4. I love reading this and hope you write every single day! Easter was lovely although your baby girls did miss you - even talked about it but the Bunny made it here before they did so all was well.
    Enjoy each and every day - Love you both!

  5. Sheila, Becoming a blogger is one of the best decisions you ever made. It is such fun for Dad and me to read your entries and I send hard copies to Babs. I called Bennett's mother yesterday to tell her to check the blog but she was just getting ready to leave SC and said she would call me upon her return to get the web address. She was excited that C & A had been there to see you off. Love, Mother
