Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day Fourteen: At Sea

Ah, what a day. Took every second to look at everything again, re-walk the familiar decks, and even find some new experiences! We get off the ship early Sunday morning so this is our last opportunity to enjoy the voyage (although they do give us breakfast in the morning). We start the day with the usual, this time including a french manicure for me and bridge class for Bennett. And yes, I have Peter pack the luggage but he wants to make sure I'm there "to supervise, ma'am." It was nice to have the two big bags packed.

Here's a new thing we tried, the thalassotherapy pool. It's the indoor pool (there is a huge outdoor pool as well) so I thought it was just another indoor pool. But I got in today and it was oh, just a wonderful temperature and had these roller thingies you could slide on and you just felt you could twist and turn anyway you wanted with the bouyancy and the temperature. Hey, why did I not try this before.

Then I got my hair done and Bennett got the deluxe shave (which was really a facial but for men you gotta call it a shave) and his face is baby soft. It seems he will not have to shave for a while!

But the piece de resistance, probably of the whole onboard experience, is dinner in the SS United States. That's right, each Celebrity ship has a specialty restaurant in honor of an old ocean liner and how lucky I am that the Inifinity honors the ship I traveled the Atlantic on twice in the 1960s (as a very little girl ;-). The dining room foyer has all sorts of memorabilia from the United States including a copy of a menu from gala night that makes me think of our waiter August long ago because frogs' legs are on the menu. (And indeed, frogs' legs are on this dining room's menu too!)

We enter the dining room which is decorated like the United States' dining room. Only a few tables are occupied (you have to make reservations and it is the only dining for which there is a surcharge). Immediately our three waiters arrive and so begins the most elegant dinner possible. Four courses. Lobster bisque and fois gras, shrimp flambe with spinach risotto and steak diane, cheese selection from the most impressive cheese cart ever, and chocolate and orange for me and "little surprises" for Bennett (six varied tarts and things). The chefs cook half the meal and the waiters cook the rest at the table. We finish it off with Earl Grey tea.

We agree that the last supper is at least in the top two or three or our ship experiences, if not the creme de la creme. But we are so full, we must go walk outside on deck eleven. The wind is blowing hard and it is fun to be blown around in the outdoors after the luxurious nearly three hour meal.

Now, however, our luggage is in the hallway waiting for pickup and I must sign off. It has been a great pleasure to cruise, to visit ports, and for us to share by blogging and reading your comments. Thank you for your participation even if you just lurked.

I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow (Mal and Nat!!!). But first I have to wave to Glynne in Florida. And stay tuned, I may just blog again every now and then when I read a good book, visit a friend, or just have something to share.


  1. I leave for Italy tomorrow. Can you send Peter to pack my bags? Seriously, keep blogging. I loved reading your entries.

  2. Is today (Sunday) tomorrow? Are you waving now, or did you do that last night? Are you now on your way home to the grand girls or are you possibly even already there? Do you work on Monday or are you time zone transitioning? How can we make this return to reality any easier or better for you sweetie?? Actually, I'm guessing (other than the fambly) that that's just not possible!! LOVE YOU anyway and always! glynne
