Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day Seven: At Sea

Wow, half-way done! But still half to go. I do think this idea of a two-week vacation is excellent. One week to unwind and then another week to vacation. I do shudder to think that if this were all my other vacations, I'd be packing right now! But I'm not. I miss you all at home but I am looking forward to one more week.

For some reason, having worked up to Central time, we backed down to Mountain time again. So a little extra time to sleep before stretch and then aerobics this morning. By the way, the gym is just beautiful; that is one reason I spend so much time there. Would not remind you of a standard gym at all. And Celeste, the blonde Scandinavian and Russell, the British bloke are buff trainers. Bennett got a massage while I did the aerobics so I whiled away my extra time in the Persian baths.

Then clean up, a stop for our bottomless Coca Cola, and off to bridge class with Sar. The negative double this time (not to be confused with the take-out double). A little (or a lot) too advanced for me but not for Bennett. In any event, I enjoyed hearing Sar talk and answer the questions. There are a lot of Indians from India on board, including Peter our butler.

As a matter of fact, next we went to the Captain's Q & A session with the crew (and captain). One of the questions was how many crew and how many nationalities in the crew. He said 960 crew (as there are 2,080 passengers, that is one incredible ratio) and 60 nationalities.

After the Q & A, we went to lunch in the formal dining room, where we had real steak sandwiches. The bread was as lovely and crusty as the steak was thick and juicy. They must make tons of fresh bread every day. You can take a tour of the galley but I haven't and a tour of the bridge too. But they won't take Bennett on a tour of the engine room which is the only tour he is interested in. Apparently after 9/11, they closed the engine room to the public.

Afternoon rest on the veranda; lovely warm and windy and a wee bit of waves but not much. The pause that refreshes. Then up to "partner teach massage" where Bennett and I took a class in giving each other a back, neck, and shoulder massage. They gave us a bottle of oil so we are ready for any aches and knots that return when we come ashore for good. Another pilates-type class followed. And then another rest on the veranda.

Went to "Let's Rock" a revue type show in the theater. It was pretty cheesy. The orchestra is very good but the dancers and singers are B-level Las Vegas types. Of course, the audience gives standing ovations anyway. As Bennett says, can't complain when you walk downstairs to the theatre, the show is free, and they serve cocktails.

Then back to our room for room service dinner served by Peter (was formal night in the dining room). Bennett had duck legs for appetizer and I had a chickpea, eggplant, tomato, shallot, and garlic tart. I keep wanting to order meat but all the vegetable and fish dishes are so fabulous, I get side-tracked. I think the only meat I have had is one hamburger and today's steak sandwich.

Next stop Costa Rica and our most extensive shore excursion yet. Have to leave even before early morning stretch. I'll keep you posted. I love when you comment!!!!! And I love you all.


  1. I envy all your good-sounding veggie food. Your vacation continues to sound wonderful and I know you you are happily anticipating another week of this heavenly existence. Love to you both, Mother

  2. I'm so excited to have a whole n'other week of this to look forward to; it is the single most exotic and interesting aspect of my day! And I'm down with Madelon on the veggie food...I know I would eat more healthily and well if only somebody would just prepare it for me on a daily basis. Have you been swimming on the ship yet, assuming there are many lovely pools on board? Is there a library? Movie theater? Keep on keeping on so well, babycakes. LOVE YOU, glynne

  3. The food sounds fabulous and so healthy. Now you just have to give up the coca cola!
