Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Holidays 2010

Sitting amidst the remnants of Mallory’s birthday celebration and looking out at the Christmas lights rapidly appearing along Nantucket Drive, I realize it must be time for a blog entry! Another year passes, to be visited again only in the history books.

. 2010 was a wonderful year for commencements: four of them to be exact. We will always remember Mallory’s University of Maryland graduation as intertwined with the daunting blizzards the past winter season. When Spring finally did emerge, I was delighted to attend my nephew Luke’s graduation from The King’s College, (which meant a trip to New York City to attend the Lincoln Center ceremony). Two weeks later, we were proud to return to College Park to see Bennett receive his MBA after a fairly grueling two-year program. And before this year is out, my niece Holly returns from a semester in London to receive her diploma from the University of Maryland as well. Job well done everyone!!

. Though not traveling anywhere new or exotic this year, I did have a grand time moving about the country . . . or now that I recap, I guess I should say moving about the east coast! As usual, I tried to get to New York City as much as possible. Included on our July 4th expedition was a backstage tour of the Metropolitan Opera and the American Ballet Theatre (for which I want to give a shout-out to Marian!). Another NYC gig involved following the Terps basketball team up to the Coaches v. Cancer tournament at Madison Square Garden (and riding the elevator with Gary Williams, I’m so easy to impress, eh?). I flew to Boston in March to attend a Harvard conference in my continuing quest to advocate for children’s mental health issues; luckily, I’m able to further enjoy this work because it always involves sharing time with good friends as well. And speaking of good friends . . . or the best . . . I ducked away to Sarasota, Florida with Glynne for her birthday in September. We luxuriated at the Ritz-Carlton Spa for three days and could not have felt more pleased with ourselves. In November, my sister and I drove to visit our brother in Norfolk for a fraternal weekend.

. Certainly, a highlight featuring family and travel was a wonderful Finney Family reunion in honor of Fran’s birthday in August. Fran and all eight of her children, as well as spouses and grandchildren, were actually together in one spot for a whole weekend. We were at Kingsmill Resort outside of Williamsburg, thanks to a lot of effort from Irene. Which reminds me – 2010 must be historic; I saw Irene three times!

. As for the little girls here, well they are seemingly all grown up. Natalie is in the middle of her sophomore year at University of Maryland where, as an engaged and engaging history major in the Global Communities program, she has gone international. She went to Turkey this January and to Denmark for August. She is planning to return to Denmark for a month right after Christmas with stops in Sweden and Holland. (If you can read between the lines, Copenhagen is the home of our favorite Great Dane who was an exchange student at College Park last year.)

. And Mallory, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times. Upon graduation, she kept herself busy for three months working after school care and studying massage therapy before she was hired by Johns Hopkins as a clinical research associate. She began working fulltime in Baltimore in April. Needless to say, this was an incredible opportunity for which Mallory had worked very hard. It would be safe to say that this was just about the best that things have ever gone for Mallory. Sadly and tragically though, in September Mallory’s best friend killed himself. The loss of Andrew, a very special young man, in the starkest of manners, was overwhelming for everyone but truly was more than Mallory could bear. She is recovering from the trauma and with the support of all the resources we could employ (including a supportive workplace) and with her own sheer will and indomitable spirit, Mallory is looking forward to the future. My heart goes out to Andrew’s mother, Angela.

. During the holiday season and all year long, please remember CABF whose mission is to support children and teens with depression and bipolar disorder. My one-year break after serving two terms on the board turned out to be simply a sabbatical and I am back on the board of this valiant organization. Mallory says to remind you, now more than ever, Early Intervention Saves Lives.

Ah well, what else. My job still keeps me busy and entertained. Bennett's job still keeps him busy and entertained. My parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. . . . Another year in the history books. Speaking of books, here are the books and movies and television that I was lucky enough to encounter this year:

: Babies; I Was Born But . . .; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I.

Television: Mad Men; Weeds; True Blood; Nurse Jackie


1 comment:

  1. Can't remember what I wrote the first time but this is the best "Christmas/Holidat Letter ever.
    Love from MNMcD
