Friday, May 28, 2010

Bennett Gets an MBA

Bennett Finney received his Master of Business Administration from the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland on May 21, 2010 at the Comcast Center in College Park. He graduated with a stellar record following twenty intense months. He looked terrific in his cap and gown and master's hood; here's proof. I, for one, am very proud of him. From first-hand observation, I can assure you, it's quite an accomplishment.

We followed up with a celebratory dinner at CJ Ferarri's. Here are some photos . . . these ones especially good for Finney followers and these ones are more assorted.

A shout out to Bennett's generous sponsor . . . SAIC!

Fun List
Academic Hoods: Color of Velvet Binding Indicates Field of Study
Find Bennett
Arts & Humanities - White
Business & Accounting - Drab
Education _ Light Blue
Economics - Copper
Law - Purple
Music - Pink
Philosophy - Dark Blue
Political Science - Dark Blue
Science - Golden Yellow
Social Science - Citron
Theology - Scarlet

Boomer R.I.P.

In remembrance of Boomer who died this week. She was one sweet dog. She leaves loving and happy memories for her parents, Leonard (left) and David, her brother Willie, all of New York City; her aunts and uncles of, among others, Maryland and Florida; and cousins, both animal and human, too numerous to identify. She will be missed.

Art Linkletter R.I.P. 1912-2010

"I know enough about a lot of things to be interesting, but I'm not interested enough in any one thing to be boring. I'm like everybody's next-door neighbor, only a little bit smarter."